Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


            Menganti beach located in Karangduwur village, Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia.
The Access towards the beach approximately about 2 hours from Central of Kebumen City. On the way to the Menganti beach its pretty challenging. Because, there’s gonna be a downward road and an upward steep road. Still, this condition is not too bad because the road already been paved. But, always stay careful, because not a few of vehicle that is stop or break down cause it’s not strong enough to go upward when come home from the Menganti beach. However, on the way to the beach would be pay off with the beautiful view from Menganti beach which is white sand, and there is a lighthouse up in a hill where we can see the seas. One thing that can’t be missed when at Menganti beach is seeing the beautiful sunset.There is also a lot of rest area like gazebo or a hut with the view of high seas.

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